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Blogger spotlight: Meet Christal Joan!

The Black Muslim Times UK is excited to bring you a new feature, Blogger spotlight! We will be speaking to our fellow Muslim bloggers of African and Caribbean background to highlight their amazing blogs and get to know them a bit better!

In the last few years, life-coaching has taken off as a popular profession for many people that are passionate about helping others improve their lives. Muslim women are no exception to this career path and have also turned to this profession, with a focus on supporting the Muslim’s relationship with their Islamic faith in addition to other important areas of their lives from their careers to their health and fitness.

Halimat Shode of TBMT-UK spoke with Christal Joan, a long-time blogger and life coach who is dedicated to helping the lives of Muslim women one step at a time with their Islamic faith and teachings being the driving factor for the change they want to see in their lives.

HS: Asalamu Alaikum sister thanks so much for speaking with The Black Muslim Times UK! Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your blog, Christal Joan?

CJ: Walaykumu salaam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu. My names Christal and I was born and raised in Birmingham (UK). I studied international law up until Masters degree level but during my Masters reverted to Islam. I had dreams of being a high flying international oil and gas lawyer but after converting found that the lifestyle wasn’t really for me. I’m passionate about spreading a positive message about Islam and showing people that when you convert your life isn’t over. You can still be you, but a better version than you used to be. My blog started off as a way of recording the life lessons I’d learnt so far to benefit others and now it’s taken on new life since becoming a life coach.

HS: What inspired you to start blogging?

CJ: As most converts, I got most of the information I couldn’t find in books from the internet and even then, I still couldn’t find what I needed. So, I decided to start writing down my thoughts, feelings and what I’d learnt so far as a new Muslim to help others.

H.S: Who is your intended audience when you sit down to write a blog post?

CJ: When I write a blog post I always have reverts/ converts and those who don’t know about Islam at the back of my mind. I’ve been there myself so I always have a good idea about the message that I want to put across.

H.S: You are also a life coach, what inspires you to dedicate yourself to this work?

CJ: I realised that I had unique life experiences and the passion to help people that were going through the same things Allah helped me overcome. I’m all about positive vibes and becoming the best version of yourself for the sake of Allah.

H.S: What challenges have you faced, both past and present, on your blogging and coaching journey?

CJ: In the past, alhamdulillah, I didn’t face any challenges blogging but now the biggest one is consistency. Especially with a little one to see to. On my coaching journey, I think the biggest challenge to overcome will be the ability to put a worth on the life changing work I do and to accept that real change needs to come from the willingness of the client to participate. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t force them to drink!

H.S: What advice do you have for your fellow Muslim sisters that want to start blogging or become life coaches?

CJ: For the fellow Muslim sisters that want to start blogging I’d say just do it. Don’t worry about fancy websites, just get the authentic you out there for the world to hear. For those that want to become life coaches, don’t sell yourselves short. There’s always someone that could benefit from your unique experience.

H.S: Where can we connect with you on social media for all things Christal Joan?

CJ: For all things Christal Joan you can find me on Instagram (christal_joan), on Facebook (Christal Joan) and on Twitter (christaljoan_)

Thank so much to our sister Christal Joan for speaking with us. Make sure to follow her blog and connect with her on social media to show your support.

If you are a UK Muslim blogger of a African or Caribbean background who would like to be featured, please e-mail us at We want to hear from you!

Photo Credit: Christal Joan

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